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Portrait of artist Michelle Silver in front of one of her colorful paintings.


Michelle Silver

On View in the Gallery: Selections from Between Facing Mirrors


Between Facing Mirrors examines physical and metaphysical space through the lens
of motherhood. After having her second child, Michelle Silver discovers everything
about her is illuminated, as if she stands between facing mirrors, seeing multiplicities
of herself reflected in her children and exposed to the world around her. She uses
studio meditation to create the space she lacks both in bodily autonomy and mental
capacity and creates imagined worlds to bear this weight: mysterious landscapes
that expand and contract as she skews depth, flattens planes, and layers moments in
time. Influenced by the Hudson Highlands, but using only her memory as reference,
Silver applies the paint in broad relational stream-of-conscious strokes, where each
move is determined by the one before. Heavy layers of paint are added, while other
areas are scraped away revealing what’s underneath, a process that documents her
inner dialogue.

Michelle Silver is a Hudson Valley-based painter and the Co-Founder and Gallery
Director of a combined art gallery and tattoo studio called Distortion Society (Beacon,
NY). She is also a freelance branding and web designer and mom to two young boys. | @michellesilverstudio

Founded on Creativity

Before it became Beacon’s first dispensary, LotusWorks began as a studio and art gallery founded by two artists, with the mission to support and showcase a diversity of art  from underrepresented artists regardless of means or medium. To date, we have exhibited work by over 40 talented artists from across the Hudson Valley and NY area. As we expand into our next chapter as a dispensary, elevating the art of cannabis, we are committed to upholding our original mission of showcasing excellent and innovative art in our space, at once complimenting our premium cannabis products and spotlighting the immense talent and creativity of our community.